
IMG_1440Get well. Stay well.

At ChiroMed Crawfordsville, our mission is to promote health, education, mobility, and a pain-free lifestyle to Montgomery County and its surrounding communities. Treatment is patient-centered, evidence-based, and customized to each patient’s unique needs and goals. Dr. Jeff takes care of all his patients in an honest, compassionate,andintellectualway. You come in as a patient and leave as a member of our family.


Our Approach to Health

Alignment– The key to spinal health – and all health – is motion. A misaligned spine can wreak havoc throughout the body, affecting the body’s ability to move. Through chiropractic adjustments and active exercise therapy, regain better mobility and pursue more active lifestyles.

Core Stability – Core strength and stability solidifies what the chiropractic adjustment fixes. A weak core can result in back and joint pain due to fatigued and overworked muscles. Proper functional exercises are the key to prolonged support of the spine, and keeping you out of the office in the long run.

Healthy Intake– The final piece of continued wellness is taking the steps toward a healthier diet. Poor diets can lead to inflammation throughout the body resulting in a weakened immune system, loss of mobility, and further pain and degeneration. We need to put good things in our bodies that decrease this inflammatory cascade.